Education and Qualifications
Eleanor Short graduated from the University of Roehampton with a First-Class Honours degree in BSc Psychology and has just completed an MSc in Neuroscience with a specialisation in Cognitive Neuroscience at King’s College London. She has obtained a vast amount of knowledge from her degrees and is currently acquiring clinical experience as a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner at the Private Therapy Clinic. She is also a Research Assistant at King’s College London within the NEUROADS Lab, helping with research investigating Neurological, Affective and Dissociative symptoms. She aims to further her studies to become a Clinical Psychologist with an aim of specialising in Neuropsychology after completing a doctorate. She developed her interest in Neuropsychology whilst studying and has been working as an assistant to the Neuropsychologist at the clinic Dr. Letizia De Mori, to further her experience.
Training and Therapy:
Eleanor has experience working many client facing roles and is currently gaining invaluable experience under clinical supervision. She attends weekly clinical supervision and teaching sessions where she develops her professional knowledge and skills with other therapists. Eleanor has a special interest in gambling addiction, phobias and panic attacks among other disorders. She is trained to look for signs of addiction and gambling problems and she has experience working closely with the Safer Gambling sector in this field. She has knowledge on the best evidence-based techniques to treat this type of addiction. She understands the stress and anxiety relate to many different kinds of phobias and is motivated to help clients overcome these fears. She is also very knowledgeable in treating ongoing panic attacks and a number of other issues. Eleanor has also recently completed an ADHD training course, in order to provide ADHD therapy over 10 sessions, helping people to manage their symptoms.
Eleanor Short is educated in the process of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and is trained in David Clark’s CBT treatment protocols. This method of therapy is very effective for treating Gambling Addiction and with Eleanor’s help clients can replace the gambling behaviours and irrational thoughts with more productive ones. Eleanor aims to aid the client in taking control of their gambling behaviour. CBT can also be effective in treating Phobias and Panic Attacks, during this therapy Eleanor would help create realistic achievable goals that are specific to the client, to help them overcome their situation. This can also include Exposure Therapy, in which Eleanor would help desensitise a client to their phobia or the feelings of panic, helping them overcome their fears.
Eleanor understands that many of these conditions can also require more in-depth treatment such as Psychodynamic Therapy. Eleanor has insight into this therapy, and how early child-hood experiences can, whether it be consciously or subconsciously, affect thoughts, feelings and experiences in later life. Eleanor is dedicated to helping clients create change in their lives through coping strategies to help control emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
Therapy can be a challenging but brave first step to improving well-being. Eleanor aims to make this first step as comfortable and simple as possible, and progress at the client’s pace. Eleanor keeps informed on the leading evidence-based therapies and always aims to provide the best possible treatment for a client. Eleanor believes it is important to build a rapport and a good therapeutic relationship between practitioner and client, and aspires to create a non-judgmental, safe environment where a client is free to express themselves. During the initial session with Eleanor, she will listen and try to understand the difficulties a client is experiencing and work collaboratively with them to create goals and a therapy plan. This way a client has a clear vision of the therapeutic course and can achieve the most out of therapy.
- Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD/ADD
- Anxiety Treatment
- Depression Treatment
- Gambling Addiction
- Health anxiety
- Self-esteem related issues
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment
- Panic Attacks
- Phobia Treatment
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Trauma
- Insomnia Treatment
- Social Anxiety Treatment
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)/ Worry