Psychometric Tests
Try our free Psychometric/Psychological tests which are fast to complete and offer great insight.
Who are these tests for?
1. Individuals interested in insight or monitoring.
If you are an individual you can use these tests as an initial screening tool or as a measure to see where your symptoms or scores are at now and if you are working on a particular issue that you want to overcome or improve on you can return and do these tests again and again to monitor your progress.
2. Practitioners who want to use the tests with their clients
If you are a practitioner and want to use these tests with you clients you are very welcome to do so, please either ask your client to complete the tests and share the results with you or you can complete the test with the client present. All practitioner are welcome to use these tests for clinical or research purposes.
*Note: These psychological tools just give an initial screening and are not accurate as diagnostic tools on their own. If you require an official diagnosis a full clinical assessment would also be required. Some tests offer better validity and reliability than others however we have carefully chosen the test which offer the best reliability and validity that were available to us and many of the tests on this page are used as psychometric tests within the NHS.
If you are concerned about any of the results in these tests it’s best not take the results too seriously, however if you have any concerns about the tests and wish to discuss the results with a qualified Psychological professional you are welcome to contact us and we will be happy to offer further advice.
Select the Psychometric test that you wish to take, you will receive your results online right away.
What type of therapy do I need?
By taking this test you will be guided to the best type of therapy approach for you based on the answers you provide.
Am I Depressed?
This psychometric tests has been designed to measure mood, it takes less than 2 minutes to complete. Click below to take the online depression psychometric test (The PHQ-9).
How Anxious Am I?
This psychometric tests has been designed to measure anxiety levels, it takes less than 3 minutes to complete. Click below to take the online anxiety psychometric test (The GAD-7).
Do I Have Social Anxiety?
Click below to take the online depression social anxiety test (The SPIN).
Do I Have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
Click below to take the online OCD test (The OCI-R).
Do I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Click below to take the online Post Traumatic Stress disorder test (The IES-R).
Do I have Autism Spectrum disorder?
Click below to take the online Autism Spectrum disorder screening tool (The ASQ).
Work and Social Adjustment Scale Survey.
The Work and Social Adjustment Scale (W&SAS) is a simple 5-item self report measure which provides an experiential impact of a disorder from the your point of view.
It looks at how the disorder you are experience impairs your ability to function day to day with depression and / or anxiety as well as phobic disorders.
The questions relate to your:
- Ability to work
- Home management
- Social leisure activities
- Private leisure activities
- Close relationships
Do I Have Insomnia?
This psychometric test has been designed to measure insomnia, it takes 2 minutes to complete. Click the below link to take the online Insomnia test (The Regensburg Insomnia Scale)
Do I Have Postnatal Depression?
This psychometric test has been designed to measure Postnatal Depression (PND), it takes 2 minutes to complete. Click below to take the online PND test (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale)
Do I have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
This psychometric test has been designed to measure Narcissistic traits, it takes 2 minutes to complete. Click below to take the online Narcissism personality test (Narcissistic Personality Inventory-16)