10 Fake Apologies That Narcissists Use to Keep You in Their Grasp
We've all been on the end of insincere apologies from time to time. Sometimes, we have to make peace through...
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Reach us via email, chatbot or WhatsApp messagesReach us on WhatsApp messages only: +447511116565Appointment times: Monday - Sunday: 7 AM-11 PM.Our team of consultant psychiatrists are all based in the London area. Each member of our Psychiatry team has reached Consultant level and has trained as a medical doctor first, they are all GMC registered doctors as well as being registered as Psychiatrists with the Royal College of Psychiatry (Rc Psych). Our Psychiatrists can see clients with a wide range of difficulties such as ADHD, psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar, depression and anxiety to name just a few.
When considering a Therapist or a Psychiatrist it might be helpful for you to know that if you want to consider medication for psychological issues then this requires a psychiatrist. If you would prefer to start with a talking therapy solution then you should see a therapist.
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Fees: From £250
Reviews (31)Location: Online
Fees: From £500
Review (1)Our practitioners are based in the Harley Street (Central London), Kensington and Chelsea areas and online. In order to know which therapist is right for you and to get their availability, please feel free to contacts our admin team 24/7 on 020 38872866
We've all been on the end of insincere apologies from time to time. Sometimes, we have to make peace through...
Personality disorders are characterised by deeply entrenched behaviours. The typical sufferer will often be inflexible in how they interact with...